Welcome to the Market Force Consumer Panel!
Thank you for becoming a panelist. By completing panel surveys you have the chance to win gift cards and earn points to spend in our marketplace. If you haven’t signed up to become a panelist yet, you can sign up here.
Bookmark this page for convenient access. We'd love to hear from you.
Refer a Friend and earn points!
Do you know someone who might like to answer surveys for a chance to win gift cards? For every person you refer who signs up, you'll receive bonus points to spend in our marketplace, and so will they!
Click here to send an email to refer your friends!
Notice of Availability
Our panel surveys are not currently available in your region. Check back soon for any changes. Note, if you are hiding your geographic location from websites, that will affect the surveys displayed.
About our Panel Project
Thank you for your interest in our Consumer Panel. We are excited to expand our panel project in the near future to more and more locations across the world! Check back often for any updates in your region.
Earn points to spend in our Marketplace!
We are developing a new points program for completing surveys. For every survey you complete you will earn points to spend in our marketplace. These will start accumulating now and be tracked, even though you won't see your points total until the program is officially launched later this year.
Stay tuned!

We're always looking for Mystery Shoppers!
Looking to be your own boss? Choose where, when, and how much you work!
All our panelists are invited to become mystery shoppers just as our mystery shoppers are invited to complete panel surveys.
Learn more